Create Your Brand Strategy Today

We can help position your brand as a dominant force in the market!

Every successful business needs to understand and implement a robust brand strategy. Differentiating your brand through effective storytelling is by definition brand strategy and it’s essence.
At 5280 KUSH, we work with our clients to help them identify and implement a brand strategy that would differentiate their brand from the competition.
We dig deep, research, brainstorm and then come up with a positioning and brand strategy that sets down a path to stand out in the market place and achieve business goals set down.
Differentiation is the key. If you do not differentiate your brand and stand out among st your competition, your brand would wither and die!

Competitive Positioning Strategy

By definition, Competitive Positioning Strategy is all about differentiating your brand and identifying how you will provide value to your market. It is about making a mark on the competitive landscape and then focusing your energies on delivering on that strategy.
We can help with the following:
Market Profile: Size, competitors, stage of growth
Customer Segments: Target audience, target market and buyer personas
Competitive Analysis: Researching and analyzing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the marketplace
Positioning Strategy: Focusing on the opportunities in the market and positioning your offering appropriately
Value Proposition: Identifying and crafting the value your brand will deliver to your market

Brand Strategy

Your brand is the promise you make to your target audience (prospects and customers), the experience they have with your company, the personality that is perceived and the messages you convey. This goes beyond just the creative elements of your brand such as the logo design, the color palette, you tagline and other visual elements. Your brand lives in the actual interaction and experience of your target audience.
We can help with the following:
Brand Audit: Create brand summary, internal and external brand audit, analyze and report with suggestions
Brand Basics: Determine the brand type, confirm the value proposition and identify the brand theme
Brand Architecture: Explore brand emotional benefits, select brand pillars, determine brand means
Brand Experience: Select brand personality traits, determine brand promise, summarize brand strategy
Brand Story & Positioning Statement: Identify and confirm positioning strategy, create brand story
Strategy Maps: Strategy in isolation is useless. It has to be a link in the chain. A strategy map is a document that connects all the various elements of the strategy along with assets that pre-exist or will come into existence as a result of the strategy implementation to create a balance score card which can then used to compare the progress of the strategy campaign.
Visual Branding: Create brand visual language including brand mark, colors, fonts, style and tone

Pricing Strategy

Pricing is one of the most critical elements of any successful business or venture. It is very complicated and often confusing. Getting it wrong would mean a huge opportunity cost leading to unprofitability which then cascades to lack of funds to invest in innovation and business development and ultimately the demise of the business.
We can help with the following:
Pricing Strategy: Align value proposition to market/mind share goals and objectives and then define a possible strategy
Profitability Targets: Determine the actual costs of the business, set price floor
Pricing Analysis: Analyze competitor pricing and their alignment with their value propositions
Response To Price Changes: Analyze changes and suggest response measures
Price Sensitivity: Gather price sensitivity data, determine price elasticity, set optimal price for success

Messaging Strategy

Good messages take your competitive positioning and brand strategy to the next level. They hone in on what’s important to your market and communicate it consistently and effectively. How you respond when asked about your brand or service or product and the tone of your messaging has tremendous impact on how your brand is perceived by your target audience.
We can help with the following:
Current Message Evaluation: Summarize current messages, audit internal and external messages and then analyze the results
Messaging Requirements: Review competitor’s messages, outline content to include in messages and determine tone of messages
Elevator Pitch: Good elevator pitches convey enough information to give the listener an understanding of what you do, while also piquing their interest so they ask more questions.
Positioning Statements: We create your 25-word, 50-word and 100-word positioning statements for use as core messages that fit a variety of materials. The shorter statements focus on the value and brand position. Longer statements add features and benefits.
Mission Statement: Why is your company ultimately in business? Your mission statement can be as simple as one line or complex enough to fill an entire page. We create that for you.
Tagline/Slogan: We determine the necessity of a tagline/slogan and then create a tagline and key visuals that deliver a succinct selling message to the marketplace.


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